Hibermate Sleep Headphones & Sleeping Mask

In this episode Chris and Kim thank those that took the time to stop by the Humanware booth at ACB to meet with Chris.  Kim also talks about the success of her three classes she held on the 4th of July weekend and makes an announcement. –   –

Introducing The Voice Dream Reader for iOS audio tutorial.

Lisa Salinger joins us once again to talk about the Voice Dream Reader for iOS audio tutorial.  She talks about the creation process.  Click here to go to the product details page and read the full description and listen to a sample.  This tutorial is ju

Mixing, Editing and Recording with Mystic Access

In this episode Chris and Kim respond to listener feedback.  Ray is curious  about the type of recording equipment we use for the podcast and tutorials. – We discuss G-recorder for Skype to record the MP3 files.

Demonstrating the Amazon Tap

In this episode Chris demonstrates the new Amazon Tap.  The Amazon Tap is a Bluetooth and WIFI enabled speaker.  The Tap uses the Alexa voice service and can do the same things that can be done with the original Amazon Echo.    You can listen to music, u