In this episode we begin with some exciting news.
First, Chris and Kim tell us about the new Mystic Access audio catalog. Customers can now call: (716) 404-4166, to listen to our catalog of products and services. This is equivalent to browsing the Shop portion of our website, except you’re doing it via phone.
Next, we talk about another new phone feature. Listeners can now call: (701) 801-8527, to listen to the latest five episodes of the Mystic Access Podcast. If you know people who don’t have access to computers or would like an easy way to listen to the podcast, please pass the number along.
Lisa hints about an upcoming sale. Stay tuned to the podcast to get all the details.
We announce that our Teleclasses page URL has moved to Events. You can currently still reach the page using the Teleclasses URL, but you may wish to update your bookmarks with the new Events URL.
We announce April’s exciting free event, and remind listeners of our Cord Cutting class.
Lisa discusses the web site This is a service which can provide package updates, both via the website and through email. It also supports many different national and international package carriers.
Kim rounds out this episode by talking about a beauty product she enjoys, the [amazon text=Jade Roller by Ginger Chi.&asin=B01GR21COC]
Thanks for listening… we appreciate it!