Accessible House Cleaning Gadgets, Part 2: Roomba 630 Robot Vacuum with Speech

This is the second podcast in our accessible house cleaning gadgets series. Please click here for Part 1. In this episode, Chris describes and demonstrates another accessible vacuum, the iRobot Roomba 630. You will hear the vacuum’s text to speech voice, and experience the sounds of the vacuum performing a quick spot cleaning.

After a brief in-house ad (yes, Kim has some of those done, finally!), Chris shares a bit about an accessible robotic mop, the Scooba 450, also an iRobot product. Kim plays devil’s advocate with Chris, asking why someone may want some of these robotic products to begin with. Chris then shares that he’s creating an audio tutorial on the Scooba 450. It will be approximately an hour to an hour and a half in length, and cost right around $15. To be placed on the priority list so that you will be one of the first to be notified when the tutorial is available for purchase, please send an email to:
with “Mop Tutorial” in the subject line.

Last but definitely not least, we announce that our mailing list is finally ready! Subscribers will receive exclusive specials and coupons, be the first to know about new products and updates, and find out about our latest podcasts as soon as they’re available for download. This is an announce-only list, but if you reply to a message, your reply will go directly to Chris and Kim so that they can respond to your questions or comments personally. To subscribe, please visit this link where you can fill out the subscription form. Alternatively, you may send an email to:
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We hope you enjoy this episode. Thanks as always for listening, and for spreading the word about us!

Mystic Access Podcast
Mystic Access Podcast
Accessible House Cleaning Gadgets, Part 2: Roomba 630 Robot Vacuum with Speech

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