In this episode Chris and Kim start out with two announcements.
The first is the topic and date of the November free class. This class will be on Thursday November 21, rather than the usual final Thursday of the month. The last Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States. Listen for all the details of our exciting class topic. You can join us by subscribing to our events mailing list. Just fill out the form on our home page if you are not already subscribed. The Zoom information will be sent out the Monday before the class.
The next announcement discusses updated physical shipping rates from Mystic Access to select countries outside the US. The shipping announcement also includes important shipping info for our US customers.
If you’ve ever wanted a behind-the-scenes look at our shipping processes, you’ll enjoy this podcast. Chris demonstrates the method he uses to ship out a package, since we have had questions about how we do it with assistive technology.
Finally, we enter the Mystic Access Magic Castle and talk to Mary Jo Barry, the US Marketing Manager from Dolphin Computer Access. We talk about Dolphin products and focus on a new product from Dolphin called GuideConnect. GuideConnect is a talking digital assistant that can provide you with online entertainment, the ability to browse websites with ease, and which can bring you closer to family and friends with an easy to use interface.
Thanks so much for being a podcast listener.