Welcome to the podcast. This episode contains two very different topics, and we hope one or both will be of interest to you.
First, though, we want to thank those who attended our free virtual event on getting comfortable with computers. We’re grateful for the questions you shared to help make our presentation more helpful for you, the listeners. If you weren’t able to attend live, no worries. You can download the audio of the event right here.
We next share the final chapter of our story about our Google doorbell. We had a very unfortunate experience as we tried to return it to Amazon, which was the impetus for our purchase of the Google camera for our front yard. Hope you gain insight from our sad, cautionary tale.
Finally, a much happier topic. The U.S. is about to experience a solar eclipse, and here in Western NY, we’re in totality! If none of that makes any sense to you, check out the resources below for lots of explanation. We tease a very cool app called Eclipse Soundscapes which is available for both iOS and Android. It includes both audio description and sounds to help you understand and experience eclipses. The app is free. Don’t hesitate to check out other eclipse-related apps as well. Some include videos and additional media for your enjoyment.
Further Reading
Total Solar Eclipse 2024: Everything You Need to Know, Space.com
Device Helps People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision Experience a Solar Eclipse, NPR.org
The LightSound Project, Harvard.edu
Sense the Solar Eclipse with NASA’s Eclipse Soundscapes Project, NASA
Note: this is not the same as the Eclipse Soundscapes app. The app is not part of this 2024 project, which will record sounds from nature to see how they change during the solar eclipse.
Thanks, as always, for listening and spreading the word about us. We appreciate you.