In today’s episode, Chris starts out by announcing our free class for October, Switching from Window-Eyes to JAWS / NVDA. If you’re ready to make the transition but aren’t sure what’s involved, he’ll share some valuable tips and tricks with you in this class. To get more details about the class and find out the date and time, join our free teleclasses discussion list.
Our monthly product special for October is on our Apple Watch audio tutorial. If you want Lisa’s comprehensive support with everything from setting up to configuring your complications, this tutorial can help you.
Speaking of the Apple Watch, Lisa shows us how to use Siri to calculate the price of a tip.
Have you ever wanted a more fun way to check the weather anywhere in the world? Chris shows us how to navigate the Weather Gods app for iOS.
In her newest Accessible Beauty Secrets segment, Kim demonstrates the Calista StyleDryer Custom AirBrush with Five Attachments which she purchased on QVC.
We hope you enjoy today’s episode.