In today’s episode, we’re happy to introduce you to some new friends… and we hope they’ll become friends of yours, too. Our six lesson audio program on the VarioUltra braille display supports you in getting started using this versatile braille display. Lisa shares more about her teaching style for this audio program, and Kim shares her experiences taking the class from a student’s perspective. We also discuss the fabulous new hardware products now available for purchase — the Havit audio transmitter / receiver which allows your non-Bluetooth device to play through Bluetooth headphones or speakers, and the luxurious Sharkk Aura on-ear headphones with eighteen hour battery life. Product details and tutorial samples are provided for each of these audio tutorials for your listening pleasure.
speaking of new friends, our free downloads page is constantly growing. Among the newest free goodies you’ll find there is Lisa’s overview of the Jarte word processor. If you’d like an intuitive and more affordable alternative to Microsoft Office, Jarte may be just what you’re looking for.
Lisa has important news about the Google Home audio tutorial we’ve mentioned previously. We’re also very excited to share that Kim and Lisa will again be offering free teleclasses over both upcoming convention weekends. Stay tuned to the next podcast to learn all about them, or visit this page to sign up for our free teleclass discussion mailing list to be the first to learn about what’s coming up.
Speaking of free goodies, we talk about the value of podcast show notes, and tell you how to access ours. And if you need some free laughs, definitely check out this SNL advertisement for a fictional new Alexa product… the Amazon Echo Silver! We feel that it’s just as funny the tenth time you watch as the first, by the way. 🙂
finally, if you’re ready to vanquish captchas with ease, Kim gives you the run-down on Captcha Be Gone, a paid Captcha solving service from the creator of QCast, QRead and other helpful software.
this and more in today’s episode of the Mystic access podcast. Learn more about us and all of our offerings by visiting us at: