today’s episode includes some important news, especially relevant if you’re a QCast user. Mystic access recently switched podcast hosts, and because our new host works strictly over a secure server, QCast will no longer play our podcast. We have attempted to talk with the developer about this issue more than once, but nothing has been done to resolve it. As a result,Chris shares a demo of a free podcatcher that works on PC only. Learn to search, stream and download podcasts with this informative demo. Learn more about and download accessible Podcatcher.
There are two important things happening on April 15, 2019. One of them is probably immediately obvious to American listeners, and we’ll get to that. 🙂 The other item of interest is that, as of April 15, Mystic access will no longer function when using Internet Explorer. You’ll see a page prompting you to use another internet browser. You’ll learn more about this change in the podcast, and why we’ve made this decision. If you want to discover how to easily and successfully switch to another browser, this free event recording will help.
Filing your taxes, of course, is the other important event that US listeners will need to have completed by the 15th. Kim discusses her experiences using Turbotax over the last two years. And yes, we promise we won’t discuss taxes in our podcast for at least another year. Ha ha.
Finally, we discuss one other important date, which will include a one-day-only Birthday sale. Listen to find out when it is, and whose Birthday is coming up in Mystic access land.
We hope you enjoy this episode. Thanks, as always, for listening.