This episode features are pre-sunrise porch ambiance as we share about a variety of topics. You’ll hear about everything from bees, to crows, to raindrops–and a lot of crickets. So, get ready for the sounds and subjects of this crazy conversation.
Chris begins by sharing about his unfortunate run-in with a tiny winged critter. Has anything like this happene to you?
We next discuss a very cool story about a recent Ambutech purchase. Not only can we highly recommend their customer support, but so far we really like the Pathfinder cane tip we purchased. Stay tuned for more thoughts as we use it more.
Speaking of mobility aids, they pop up regularly in this episode. Are you familiar with the Glide robot from Glidance? We share our initial thoughts and those of some friends and colleagues. We can’t wait to see this device inaction ourselves!
Back to canes… the WeWalk Smart Cane 2 is available for preorder. Chris owns the first version and has had mixed feelings during his time using it. We wonder how we’ll feel about the new version when it arrives?
One final cane story to share; this one will make you go yikes! Be prepared in case something like this happens to you.
those of you who are regulars know we watch a lot of scam baiting videos. One thing scammers regularly ask their potential victims to do is to let them remotely connect to the person’s computer. Don’t ever let someone you don’t know connect to your device. They’re usually out to steal your data and/or money. This leads us to a discussion of Remote Incident Manager, which Aira is now using as it’s remote connectivity tool. Chris took RIM for a test-drive and shares his experience.
One of Kim’s new favorite things is a ball chair with an included stabilizing ring. She explains the concept and why she loves it.
We next talk about our two new cases from Turtleback LV. In both cases (hahaha) our first impressions appear to be incorrect regarding these, and we’re happy about that. Listen for all the details.
Finally, if you need more office space, Chris highly recommends a printer stand! He discusses his setup here at the summer home and why he likes it so much.
We close by giving a hint about an upcoming podcast demo that you might want to sing about. Thanks so much for listening!