A Rising Tide Floats All Boats

Today’s episode features a very interesting castle interview, but we begin with several important announcements. – Our October free event will deal with making sure those many and varied household tasks are accessible to you.

Create Your Stash Your Way!

We start out this episode with some timely announcements. – First is a final reminder that our Orbit Reader live event starts on Thursday. We are taking registrations for the event until 5:00 PM ET on October 8, the day of the event. –

Off By Twelve Hours

This episode features two extensive demos, but first we share some important announcements. – Our two-week event on Orbit products remains open for registration. All pre-orders went through on September 15,

Check The Batteries

In this episode we announce that we will be moving forward with the Reading Easily and Affordably with Orbit Products class in October. – We remind listeners about the Fire TV and Fire Stick and Fire Tablet tutorials that are currently up for pre-orde…

Soundify Your Computer

Lots of timely news to share in todays episode, including dates for the potential Orbit Reader two-session event. The first session will be October 8 and the second will fall on October 15. Both these are Thursday evenings at 8:30 PM Eastern Time. We hav

Another Ulterior Motive

Thanks for joining us for this episode. We start by reminding listeners of our tentative Orbit class. It is currently on pre-order until September 15, 2020. Check out the above link for more details. – Next we announce the winners of the contest we h…

Fun New Feature

We begin this episode with a reminder about our July free event, which will be held on Thursday, July 30. If you want to make sure you keep safe this summer while still having some fun during this difficult time, you may find this discussion useful. Well

It’s Raining On The Train

Happy July. Todays episode is all about comfort, tranquility and having more balance in your life. To support you in that, we have a couple timely announcements. On Thursday, July 16, were holding an open house between 1-5 PM Eastern Time. This is a fun

Crazy Convention sales

Todays episode invites you to get social with us, learn about some new products, and participate in our craziest convention season sales ever. We begin by sharing about our upcoming open house on Thursday, July 16 between 1-5 PM Eastern Time. If you have

It wouldn’t Smoothie Anymore

We begin this episode by sharing a couple announcements. Well be on Tek Talk on Monday, June 22nd, at 8:00 PM ET to discuss the InsideOne Windows 10 braille computer. If you were unable to attend our previous event on the InsideOne, which was so popular