No Turkey Included
This episode turned out to be our food edition, and we have three fun food-related demos to share later in the podcast, so stay tuned. – First, it’s that time of year again… yes, Black Friday is almost here! As usual,
This episode turned out to be our food edition, and we have three fun food-related demos to share later in the podcast, so stay tuned. – First, it’s that time of year again… yes, Black Friday is almost here! As usual,
On Monday, November 5, 2018, the Mystic Access team appeared on Accessible Worlds Stocking Stuffers program. This is an annual program which showcases blindness oriented companies from around the country. If youre interested in finding some fun or practi
The team welcomes everyone to the podcast. – We received new Braille Me units at Mystic Access, and are happy to report that they have undergone significant changes from the units we discussed in our May class.
This episode is filled with timely treats… and hopefully no tricks. Although we hope you enjoyed the spooky beginning. *smile* – Chris and Lisa share about their convention travels… we’ll be sharing a presentation from Lisa’s PCB appearance very s…
The team is back together again with lots of interesting tips and resources to share. – Sweet Success With iOS Modules 7-12 have started, and you can sign up for any or all of them at any time. If you would like to purchase the previous set of Sweet …
This episode is jam-packed with valuable and timely info. Learn about our free event for October on transitioning from Internet Explorer to a different browser, find out about our soon to be released course on WordPress, and learn about two new services
This episode includes an important announcement for Internet Explorer users. We also share about our free September event, which addresses transitioning from Internet Explorer to another browser. NO matter which browser you wish to transition from, howev
We’re happy to remind you about our free event for August on file management. Join our Events mailing list for details of our free monthly virtual events, or check out past event recordings on our Free Downloads page. –
This episode begins with a friendly reminder about our ongoing iOS modules. as of the release date of this podcast, you still have time to register for our modules on using mail and the app store. Listen for dates and price information, or follow the abo
In this jam-packed episode of the Mystic Access podcast, we start by discussing our current iOS modules, as well as plans for future installments. – Next, Chris and Kim demonstrate the Rollicool 310 portable air conditioner and heater by Rollibot,