Introducing SenderoMaps, More than a Map Manager Audio Tutorial

SenderoMaps is a map program that allows you to virtually explore around an area.  SenderoMaps is developed by Sendero Group.  If you are running BrailleNote GPS or Sense Navigation version 2012 or greater, chances are you already have SenderoMaps.

Star Wars, A Visual Medium or not!

I explore the thought of Star Wars being a visual medium.¬† I do this by exploring the radio dramas.¬† Star Wars 1981, The Empire Strikes Back 1983 and Return of the Jedi 1996.¬†¬†¬† I even go through the history of the radio dramas. –

Chicken Nugget, an Accessible Twitter client

In this episode, I take you through Chicken Nugget, an Accessible Twitter client.  The application is currently in beta. You can download your copy from

Sendero GPS V2013

Mike May gave a presentation on April 08, 2013 for Accessible world.  New features and GPS running on a Windows 8 tablet.