Android Accessibility Part Two

Posted by permission from the Tech Doctor. In Android Accessibility Part two, the Tech Doctor described using the Android screen reader called TalkBack to search for, purchase, configure and begin using six popular apps.

Android Accessibility Part One

Posted by permission from the Tech Doctor. – In this episode, the Tech Doctor begins a series on Android Accessibility. With no prior Android experience, the Tech Doctor explains how he went about purchasing,

APH Talking PC Maps Lesson 4

This presentation was given on December 13, 2012. I demonstrate virtual side of street tracking and exploring by POI. I also get myself virtually lost.

Edsharp Accessible Text Editor

In episode 44 of the Mystic place Podcast I demonstrate edsharp, an accessible editor from I apologize for the static in the later part of the podcast as I don’t understand what happened.

FileDir File Manager

In episode 43 I demonstrate FileDir from I select multiple files, create a CD and do file management tasks.