NVDA, ChromeVox and Google Chrome

In this episode, I demonstrate a little bit with using NVDA, ChromeVox with the Google Chrome browser. There are some examples where NVDA doesn’t read radio buttons properly so ChromeVox is used.

APH Talking PC Maps Webinar

On September 13, 2012 The American Printing House for the Blind in conjunction with Sendero Group began a series of Webinars discussing and demonstrating APH Talking PC Maps. This is a product where users can virtually explore their neighborhood or anoth

Updates for Podcasts 24 and 36.

In episode 37, I update on two podcasts I recently recorded. These are episode 24 Neato Robotics Vacuum and episode 36 comfort zone cz310r 9 inch twin window fan. I discuss my experience in updating the firmware of the vacuum and how the remote for the f

Switching Map folders with Sendero GPS 2012

In episode 34 of the Mystic Place Podcast I discuss and demonstrate the new way you pick map folders in Sendero GPS for the BrailleNote and Sense Navigation. The Braille Sense Onhand with Sense Navigation is the device used.

Becky Internet Email, Address Book and Attachments

In episode 33 of the Mystic Place Podcast I continue working with Becky Internet email. In this episode I demonstrate some of the functions of the address book and also how to send an attachment as well as viewing received attachments.