Switching Map folders with Sendero GPS 2012

In episode 34 of the Mystic Place Podcast I discuss and demonstrate the new way you pick map folders in Sendero GPS for the BrailleNote and Sense Navigation. The Braille Sense Onhand with Sense Navigation is the device used.

Becky Internet Email, Address Book and Attachments

In episode 33 of the Mystic Place Podcast I continue working with Becky Internet email. In this episode I demonstrate some of the functions of the address book and also how to send an attachment as well as viewing received attachments.

Becky Internet Email

In episode 32 of the Mystic Place Podcast I discuss Becky Internet email from www.rimarts.co.jp. I configure Becky for use with a gmail account. I also configure Becky to work optimal with screen readers. Window-eyes 7.54 and are used.

Taxi Magic experience and impressions

In episode 31 of the Mystic Place Podcast I give my experience and impressions of the Taxi Magic service. There is no monthly fee, however they add an additional charge of $1.5 to your ride. from www.taximagic.com

Royal 18 Sheet Cross Cut Shredder (SC180MX)

In episode 28 I discuss and demonstrate the Royal 18 Sheet Cross Cut Shredder (SC180MX). This shredder has an audio alert that plays when the wastebasket needs to be emptied. – Royal 18 Sheet Cross Cut Shredder (SC180MX) at Amazon.com

Qread Accessible Book Reader

In episode 27 of the Mystic Place Blog and Podcast I discuss and take you on a short demonstration of the Qread accessible book reader from http://q-continuum.net/qread/

Burnaware Pro CD/DVD/Blu-ray recorder

In episode 26, I show you around burnaware pro from www.burnaware.com. This is a cd/dvd/blu-ray recorder program that is accessible with screen readers. Window-eyes is used to go through the menus of burnaware. I then burn a data dvd.

Cuisinart SS-700 coffee maker.

In episode 25, I discuss and demonstrate the Cuisinart SS-700 coffee maker. This coffee maker uses the k-cups. It also comes with a refillable k-cup and has a place to store it. You can also make 4, 8, 10, and 12 oz cups. Remove the tank from the left si