This episode offers an upcoming class announcement, a castle interview, a fun demo, and more. Let’s dive in!
First, Chris provides an update on the pathfinder cane tip. He loves it, but there’s one important thing you must know before you buy. Listen to learn more.
Next, Kim demos the Merlin bird identification app. This free app is available for iOS and Android, and helps you identify birds from across the US and Canada. We love Merlin and hope you’ll enjoy this demo.
Next, we enter the castle for an interview with Emily Romero. Emily is a long-time Mac user. She explains why she prefers the Mac, some comparisons between Mac and Windows, the costs and benefits involved, and more. We’ll be holding a free event on the Mac on Tuesday, September 24. Emily will be co-hosting with us. If you’ve ever wondered about Mac accessibility, features, Windows comparisons, and more, we’d love for you to join us. To Register your seat, please visit this link. If you know others who may be interested, please feel free to share our interview with Emily and the link to register for the class. Weknow it’ll be both informative and fun.
Thanks, as always, for listening and spreading the word. We appreciate you.