Welcome to this episode of the podcast. We begin with a couple timely announcements. The first regards our event on becoming more efficient and confident using Microsoft Word. This event takes place on Thursday, October 10. Whether you primarily use word on your PC, mac, or a mobile device, we’re providing tips, strategies and a plethora of keystrokes to help you maximize your use of the program. Tired of feeling overwhelmed or totally lost when trying to format or edit that document? We’re here to help! The event will be recorded if you’re unable to attend live. Register at the link above, or give us a call during business hours at (716) 543-3323, and we’ll be happy to place your order via phone.
Next, we address a couple site related items that are important for you to understand. Listen carefully as we discuss Mystic Access website accounts, how they work and when you create an account. We also discuss reward points which you receive when you place orders with us and which can be redeemed to save you money. Our points software has changed, so now you receive more clarification on how many points you have, and how many points you can earn on each product you purchase.
You won’t need to redeem any reward points to attend our free October event, Your Choice of Voice, on Thursday, October 24. In this event, we’re going to have a lot of fun discussing and demonstrating various text to speech voices, companies which provide text to speech, platforms where you can use voices from various companies, and configuring voices to meet your specific requirements. If you enjoy learning about the various voices you can use to make your computer or mobile device your own, you’ll love this event! To receive the joining info, make sure you’re part of our Events mailing list, which you can sign up for on all pages of MysticAccess.com. We’d love to have you with us live!
Amazon recently had an event where several new Alexa-related devices were announced. We share our thoughts on the new devices, and reminisce on just how far the Echo has come since its initial release, as demonstrated by this podcast we did when it first came out.
October is here, there’s finally a chill in the air, the leaves are turning, and there’s a very important event at the end of this month — Halloween! while Chris and I are getting excited about all that, we decided to take a little stroll down memory lane to discuss some of our favorite Halloween costumes of yesteryear. We also share the very fun HalloweenRadio.net website, where you can listen to five different Halloween themed radio stations. Apps are also available for iOS and Android, and we take a tour of the iOS app and play you some spooky soundscapes and terrifying tunes.
Thanks as always for listening!