Your Screen Will Go to Sleep

This is our last full episode of 2024. We do have one more coming out on Christmas Eve, but it will just be short and sweet. So we’ve packed a few fun discussions and some heart-felt thanks into this one.

First, a friendly reminder that the mail is pretty slow this time of year, so be sure to order those presents as soon as possible at this stage. We still have some hardware available if you’re looking for gifts, and of course, lots of digital audio, too. Visit for all the available goodies. Activate this link to shop with us.

I also want to remind you of a cool APH event I’ll be participating in soon after this podcast airs. I’ll be interviewed for the APH ConnectCenter’s career Conversations series on Thursday, December 12 at 6:00PM ET. I highly recommend checking out this series if you’re a high school or college student, work in Voc Rehab, or want to gain employment skills. Find the series archives on YouTube. That link takes you to a full playlist. Check out my bio for my appearance on this page, and register your seat for free using the provided link. I’ll link to my archived appearance in a future episode.

Next, we discuss our experiments with AI, specifically ChatGPT and Gemini. Learn what we like, what we feel needs improvement, and how these two AIs differ. If you want to learn more about this topic, we’ll be announcing a free class sometime early in the new year.

Speaking of AI, well, sort of, Chris found a new use for his Meta glasses that he shares.

Want a great gift for a safety-conscious friend or family member? We share about our new book for National Braille Press. Chris discusses a scam attempt he just experienced, and we share a tip for keeping our parents and those of a certain age safer.

Speaking of tips, we have a few good ones for saving some cash this winter.

Finally, we end with those heart-felt thanks I mentioned earlier. we couldn’t do this without you, and as always we appreciate your support, encouragement, kind comments, helpful feedback, and being part of our community. Happy merry everything, and wishing you joy from our hearts and home to yours.

Mystic Access Podcast
Mystic Access Podcast
Your Screen Will Go to Sleep

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