Mystery Treats

First and foremost, we want to thank everyone on the front lines right now… you’re amazing. – This episode has a similar theme to our last one — staying connected, making sure we’re safe, supplied, and entertained during this difficult time.

Support Each Other

Hi, Everyone, – We’re living in surreal times, so while we always try to have some fun on the podcast, and today’s episode is no exception, we wanted to share some ideas for remaining calm and connected during this strange and frightening period.

That’s The Best About Living

We begin this episode by sharing about our March 2020 free event. this time, well be discussing and demonstrating the Leasey scripts available for JAWS. Brian Hartgen is kindly providing a recorded presentation to be shared in class, and well also be dem

The Technology Gods

We begin this episode by reminding you about our three-week cord cutting course which begins on the day this podcast is released, February 25. wel be leaving registrations open until end of day on Friday, February 28, so if you wish to participate, and n

Put It In The Tub

We begin this episode with several important Mystic Access site-related items, including info on captchas, a review of why we no longer allow Internet Explorer to access the site, and more. We know this stuff is boring, but encourage you to listen anyway

There Were No Chains

In this episode, we begin by telling you about our first free monthly event for 2020, which will be all about audio description services. Whether youre new to audio description services and want to learn what its all about, are curious what new offerings


We begin 2020 with some updates from our last couple podcast episodes. We start by discussing updates to the Disney+ apps, and Lisa and our impressions of the new features and layout. – Lisa next updates us on her Christmas mint-making activities,