No Pressure

Welcome to another episode, including a very insightful Castle segment. First, though, we discuss two timely upcoming events, including a question and answer session on the Evo E10 media player, and our free monthly March event, which is covering all thi

Before It Gets Cold

In this short episode of the Mystic Access podcast, Chris updates us on his Freshly experience.

A Button With Your Name On It

This week Chris returns to the Podcast. First Kim and Chris discuss the free event that will be held this coming Thursday evening. They update the listener on the Evo E10 audio tutorial as well as the new release dates for the 1Password and Fire TV t…

The Kim Solo Edition

Kim is solo this time as Chris was under the weather. – Kim starts by announcing our free class for February. Next she demonstrates the Zoom Accessibility Enhancements NVDA add-on. – Next she demonstrates the Smart News app for iOS.

Fancy Terms

Chris and Kim start the episode by reminding us of the Evo E10 player class. – Next we talk about our reward points system. It is currently on hiatus. When it returns, it will be magic beans instead of points. Also the beans will expire. –

Top Author Billing

In this episode Chris and Kim start by talking about the upcoming 1password audio tutorial that is currently on pre-order. Next we update listeners on the progress of the Evo E10 DAISY player audio tutorial. –