In this episode Chris talks about the use of the legacy notetakers such as the Braille Sense and BrailleNote Apex on the new web site. Unfortunately the browser in these devices is Internet Explorer 6 and we just can’t support them. On the Braille Sense for example it says invalid SSL certificate and closes the browser. The site has the latest certified installed.
Kim and Lisa discuss the free classes they are holding this weekend. To learn more you can click here. To sign up for the discussion list, click here.
Chris and Lisa talk about their experiences with ride sharing services such as Lyft and Uber.
We insert a demonstration that Lisa created where she does a brief walkthrough of the apps.
In the Lyft demonstration she mentions a link that talks about upcoming changes to Uber.
Lisa has given you a FREE Uber ride (up to $15). To claim your free gift, sign up using this link:
Want up to $20 in free ride credit on Lyft? Download now with my link.
Kim ends the episode by talking to herself.
Enjoy the podcast.