Introducing The Voice Dream Reader for iOS audio tutorial.

Lisa Salinger joins us once again to talk about the Voice Dream Reader for iOS audio tutorial.  She talks about the creation process.  Click here to go to the product details page and read the full description and listen to a sample.  This tutorial is ju

Mixing, Editing and Recording with Mystic Access

In this episode Chris and Kim respond to listener feedback.  Ray is curious  about the type of recording equipment we use for the podcast and tutorials. – We discuss G-recorder for Skype to record the MP3 files.

Demonstrating the Amazon Tap

In this episode Chris demonstrates the new Amazon Tap.  The Amazon Tap is a Bluetooth and WIFI enabled speaker.  The Tap uses the Alexa voice service and can do the same things that can be done with the original Amazon Echo.    You can listen to music, u

Demonstrating the Logitech H800 Wireless Headset

Lisa Salinger returns to the Mystic Access Podcast for another episode. In this episode we briefly touch on the progress of the TWBlue tutorial currently in production.   We devote the majority of the episode to Lisa’s’ new Logitech H800 wireless headset

Tek Talk Presentation On Echo Tutorial, TWBlue Tutorial and More

In this episode, Lisa Salinger joins Chris and Kim for a presentation on Accessible Worlds’  Tek Talk. – First Kim talks about the Amazon Echo audio tutorial that Mystic Access produced.   Next Lisa talks about the Twitter client TWBlue audio tutorial…

Webdrive, Star Wars Bop It! and Echo Tutorial Launch

In this podcast episode Chris first discusses the Webdrive FTP client and talks about the screen reader menu item he found that enables accessibility in the WebDrive client. – Next Chris talks about the Bop It!