Over the Moon

We have two demos in this episode that we hope will be useful and fun for you. First, Chris explains why he bought a pair of Bluetooth glasses and demos how they work with both the Stellar Trek from HumanWare and his iPhone 14 Pro.

Superman is on The Sub

This action-packed episode begins with some updates. Chris shares an exciting announcement about AB Commander, a really cool file manager/explorer replacement that we discussed in our last episode. Kim also shares that the course-buying site she talked…

I Can Learn to Bake a Pie

What can you learn from this podcast episode? Well, quite a lot, actually. Chris introduces you to three handy pieces of software; a file manager, a file encrypting utility, and a neat folder manager that can also temporarily make your files disappear …

Pull the Curtain Back

We begin this episode by sharing some exciting news about our Stream 3 audio documentation. It will be released on Thursday, August 10. You’ll be able to download it at either support.humanware.com (and then go to the Stream 3 page),

Back to Boston

In this episode we announce why the previous episode was late in more details. Next we demonstrate the Expedia app on iOS. We then discuss the Accessible power bank from AT Guys. Finally we take a look at the menus for all app. –

Remote Wars

In this episode we first discuss why the podcast is a little late this time. Next we discuss our new Roku TV and it’s accessibility. Finally we talk about the Qardio products. Thanks for being a podcast listener and enjoy the episode.

Book Browsing

In this episode Kim and Chris first talk about an update to the Stream 3 tutorial. Next we talk about convention sales at Mystic Acces with two updates. We spend most of the episode in the castle speaking with Kesel Wilson of National Braille Press ab…

Super Cool

In this episode of the podcast we start with our free event that is being held on Thursday June 15. The event is how to stay safe from scammers. Activate this link For more information and register.

Out of Sight

While we always try to bring you some humor in each episode, and this one is no exception, note that there is a very serious topic covered later in today’s podcast. – First, though, we mention the cool new Alexa and Google assistant commands we’re now…