The Supersized Edition

In this episode Chris starts by announcing the paid class he will be teaching on the 28th-30th of November, From Window-Eyes To The Future. This class will assist Window-Eyes users in the transition to either JAWS or NVDA. This class will run for thre

Choose Your Own Adventure

In this episode Chris begins by reminding listeners of the Transitioning from Window-Eyes to JAWS class that will be held this Thursday October 26 at 8:30 PM eastern. To learn more and receive the call-in information, stay tuned to our Free Teleclasses

Feels like Minus Eighty Degrees

In todays episode, Chris starts out by announcing our free class for October, Switching from Window-Eyes to JAWS / NVDA. If youre ready to make the transition but arent sure whats involved, hell share some valuable tips and tricks with you in this class

This Room Is Starting To Smell Like Dragon’s Blood

In this episode of the Mystic Access Podcast Lisa begins by talking about the Apple Watch free class she will be holding on September 28, 2017. for more information about our free and paid classes visit the Free Teleclasses page. –

Beanbags, a Phone and Mailbox Alerts

In this episode Kim and Lisa remind us about the VarioUltra and Orbit Reader 20 comparison class on the 31st of August 2017. To learn more about the Mystic Access free classes click here. Kim tells us the “web site your way WordPress class is closed bu

From Eggs To Braille

In this episode, Chris, Kim and Lisa announce they are using Zoom for podcast recording as well as conducting classes. Chris tells and demonstrates a workaround for QCast to once again play the Mystic Access Podcast in the QCast client. –

Kim Gets Misty And Alexa Shows Us The Way

In this episode Chris begins by talking about the QCast podcatcher, how you can no longer listen to the Mystic Access podcast feed. He gives suggestions such as the Accessible Podcatcher to continue listening on a Windows computer. –

Ding Dong The Doorbell is Dead

In this episode Chris Kim and Lisa thank the class participants that joined Mystic Access for the free teleclasses that took place during summer convention season. They tease upcoming tutorials and teleclasses.